Richard White's Family History:

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History is Where You Find It

Richard White's Confederate Kinfolks

The Apalachicola Creeks

Dad's Folks:

Sellers Family Genealogy Report

West Family Genealogy Report

James H. Carter Guardianship by John A. Spears - Thomas County, Georgia, 1882

Andrew Haven probate record, Leon County, Florida, 1847

William R. Mackey Will, Wilkinson County, Georgia, 1870

Richard M. Sellars & Missouri West Harper Sellars, photo

R. M. Sellars Family Reunion, photo taken 20 February 1916

Tracing the Allen Spear Family through Land Purchases

Nancy Spear Thompson Family Photo circa 1910

Joseph White/Winnifred Barwick Family Bible Record

Joseph White Family, U.S. Census - Thomas County , Georgia, 1870

William A. White - Sarah Norton Marriage - Thomas County, Georgia, 1873

Charles ("Charley") Henry White & wife Martha Bama Sellars photo circa 1940

Charley Henry White


Herman Esker White photos 2001

T5 Herman Esker White photo circa 1943

Dad's Franklin D. Roosevelt Bible

396th Medical Collecting Company, Unit History


Pauline Davis White & Juanita Clark , photo, Fort Myers, Lee County, Florida, September 1945

Mom's Folks:

Rehberg Family Genealogy Report

Lands of Levi Butler and Jesse Hair(e) near Concord in Gadsden County, Florida

John Hair - Eliza E. Butler Marriage Record, Gadsden County, Florida, 1850

John Hair - Eliza Butler U.S. Census Record for Liberty County, Florida, 1860

John Hair & Nancy Butler Agricultural Schedule of U.S. Census for Liberty County, Florida, 1860

John Hair - Eliza E. Butler U.S. Census Record for Gadsden County, Florida, 1880

John & Eliza E. Butler Haire family photo, circa 1893

Doctor Haire - Photo, circa 1910

John Alexander ("Elic") Hare  

John Alexander ("Elic") Hare & Tom Collins, photo

Tom Collins, photo, circa 1912

Two Men Smoking Cigars

Unknown Man & Three Women

Four Unknown Men

George Washington Haire and Allie Mae Trulock, photo, circa 1960

King Walter Davis-Mary Lee Haire Marriage Record, Lee County, Florida, 1914

Mary Lee Haire posing with a stuffed Alligator, 1914

K. W. Davis & M. L. Haire, 50th Wedding Anniversary 1964

Citrus Fruits and Their Culture - A book that my grandfather K. W. Davis got from Dr. Franklin Miles and used to start his job as manager of Graham & Shriver Groves in Fort Myers

Mary Lee Haire Davis - Photo after the Great Florida Hurricane of 1926

Annie Eliza Haire & Joe Johnson after the Great Miami Hurricane of 1926

George W. and Sarah Hair, Leon County, Florida, 1885 State Census

George Washington and Sallie Haire Marriage Affidavit, Gadsden County, Florida, 1915

Marvin Williams -  Photo, probably taken in Cairo, Grady County, Georgia, date unknown

Edward Johnson - Photo probably taken in Fort Myers, Florida, date unknown

Ethyl and Evelyn Kelly - Photo, date unknown

Edmond Hare Probate Record, Decatur County, Georgia, 1840

Gordon Johnson - Photo circa 1930

Group Photo, Mostly Unknown, circa 1915

Elizabeth Ward Prevatt

Daughters of Thomas Prevatt, III, and Elizabeth Ward

Frederick Holton

Andrew Holton


Wearing a Vietnamese Straw Hat

With 81mm Mortar

With M-60 Machinegun

With Thompson Submachinegun

Unsolved Mystery:

AW Pin  (um... I may have figured this out.  Dad had a Leica camera, acquired in Germany in April of 1945, and I think that this is a logo somehow connected with it as I found a pocket magnifying glass with the same symbol on its handle among dad's W.W. II "stuff".   AW is not a Leica logo, per se, but perhaps the AW logo is related to some firm which made equipment associated with the camera, but not made by Leica?)

Contact Richard White by e-mail.

This page was created by Richard White on 26 December 1997.
  Changes to this page were last made by Richard White on  9 February 2010.